What exactly is meant by "specialist care"?
The provision of care for those who have certain medical diseases or illnesses is what is referred to as complex or “specialist” care, while nursing care is another term for it.
The good news is that our complex care team is here to assist you whenever you may want specialist attention due to the degree of care that you require.
Why should you choose Casbens Supported Living Community And Home Support Ltd to care for your complex care needs?
Specialist care is an area of expertise for Casbens Supported Living Community And Home Support Ltd , a supplier of home care services. We are driven by a strong and abiding enthusiasm to do all we can to help individuals whose lives are affected by a range of medical ailments and illnesses have a higher quality of life.
People whose care requirements are extremely broad and complicated are looked after by our crew of highly qualified carers and nursing professionals.
Whether you or a loved one is young or elderly, able-bodied or not, we adapt the care services we provide to meet the requirements and objectives that you or they have. As a matter of course, we are aware that circumstances might shift at a moment’s notice, which is why we are also able to offer coverage around the clock, 365 days out of the year.
The ways in which we care for you
The requirements for continence may vary greatly. If you or a loved one in your life requires additional assistance with catheter, bowel, or stoma care, our compassionate and hard-working carers are here to support you. Some of your requirements may be:
- Assistance in using the restroom and in obtaining changing pads.
- Assistance with the placement and management of a catheter
- Replacing a colostomy or stoma bag
When you are most in need of our assistance, our staff will provide you with care that is both professional and sensitive. This will allow us to make the situation a little more pleasant and comforting for you.
The members of our specialist care teams have received specialised training in order to provide tracheostomy care to those individuals who have recently been equipped with an airway assist.
We are able to provide assistance with tracheostomy dressing changes and tube replacements, which will go a long way toward easing the burden of managing a tracheostomy at home.
In addition, if a member of your family or a close friend has been providing assistance but will be absent for a short period of time, we are able to take over these essential responsibilities as part of our respite care service.
Care that we provide
People who fit the following criteria are candidates for the specialist nasal and gastric feeding care services that we provide:
Have undergone abdominal surgery to facilitate the placement of a feeding tube (gastrostomy care);
Have a tube implanted in their nose that is connected to their stomach in a direct way (nasogastric care).
Compassion is at the centre of all we do because it is understandable that an individual may have feelings of unease and anxiety in either of these scenarios.
A stroke is a type of brain assault that occurs when there is a disruption in the blood flow to a portion of the brain. This causes the brain cells that are impacted to be destroyed. Because no two strokes are the same, the requirements for after care following a stroke are also completely particular to the person who has been afflicted.
You are, therefore, more than welcome to get in touch with us and initiate the first steps of our care management process, even if you aren’t fully certain what degree of stroke after care you or a loved one requires.